Thursday, March 26, 2009

You Know You're CrossFit When

You know you're a CrossFitter when:
  1. You tell your friends that you met Pukie at the gym and they have no idea what you're talking about.
  2. Your face is red the next day because you spent the previous WOD working on your hand stands.
  3. Guys - You talk to your wife/girlfriend about the girls you want to do and she doesn't get mad.
  4. Girls - You talk to your husband/boyfriend about the girls you want to do and he does get mad.
  5. You bought a pair of Converse All-stars so you can work on your pose running.
  6. You spend half your work day going through the CrossFit affiliates page.
  7. The other half of your work day is spent going through the CrossFit message boards.
  8. You sit in meeting thinking about how to better tighten your core.
  9. You can't have one conversation with your friends without mentioning CrossFit.
  10. You leave skin on the bar.
Today Tin Man left a good chunk of skin on the bar due to him dropping it on his shins. He still completed the workout but at a body weight of 160 pounds, 115 can get pretty heavy after awhile.

Another top 10 list to check out
Top 10 America's Unhealthiest Restaurants Great! Now I have less choices when eating out.

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