Monday, January 12, 2009

Baseline Fitness Test

When you begin your training at Havoc Fitness you will be given a baseline assessment to determine your basic physical fitness.  This exercise will help us determine how best to tailor the WODs to your skill and fitness level.  The test is as follows:

Perform the following for time:

500m Row
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-up (dead-hang/kipping) or 20 Jumping Pull-ups


Exercises are performed one after the other until all reps are completed to standard.  The time begins at the start of the row and  is stopped after the last pull-up.

Row - For instruction on proper rowing technique check out the "Exercises & Demos" link, then navigate to the "Rowing" section of the page.

Squats - All squats must be below parallel in order for the rep to count.  This means that the crease of the hips must be below the top of the knee.  Feet should be about shoulder width apart and heels should remain flat through-out the entire range of motion.

Sit-ups - The hands should remain on the shoulders and the feet flat on the floor.  Full up position is when the elbows touch any part of the thigh.

Push-ups - The entire body should remain straight in the plank position and lowered as a single unit until the chest and upper thigh touch the ground then return to the up position maintaining the plank position through-out the rep.

Pull-ups - Pull-ups can be either dead-hang, kipping, or jumping pull-ups.  The range of motion should be the same for all three.  The down position is when the arms are at complete extension.  In the up position, the body is lifted until the chest touches the bar.  If you cannot perform kipping pull-ups then dead-hang should be done.  If you cannot perform dead-hang pull-ups then you should substitute for 20 jumping pull-ups.

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